production, interview concept, translation, exhibition design
exhibited @walpodenakademie mainz, germany 2018/19
exhibited @walpodenakademie mainz, germany 2018/19
the documentary reflects the new generation ›z‹ on cuba. a generation that, other than us, only recently got access to the internet and all its possibilities and flaws. it shows the hopes and dreams of a youth that was separated from the rest of the world until now.

cuba z — exhibition
the exhibtion 'cuba z' consists of a series of photographs, collaged letters, a sound installation and the documentary.

letter series
the series of letters sent from cuba to mainz are personal impressions from the whole month on cuba during the production of the documentary cuba z and poetically visualise the geographical distance that lies between the two places.

concept, dop, camera, editing — bastian bley
production, interview concept, translation — me
exhibition design — bastian bley, me, sascha faleschini
calligraphy, letter series — me
realized @hsm.gestaltung
production, interview concept, translation — me
exhibition design — bastian bley, me, sascha faleschini
calligraphy, letter series — me
realized @hsm.gestaltung